Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving Football Game

Each year, we have a football game on the asphalt street in front of my home. We choose the asphalt because it pretty much guarantees that someone will get hurt, either a scrape or bump on a hard surface, or if we're really lucky, a concussion. Concussions are so vogue these days. Anyway, this year, everybody got out in great shape, except (and for the first time) ME! I caught a touchdown pass, and the act of moving one yard in a lateral fashion, caused a calf cramp so severe, as to make me go to the emergency room (after dinner, of course). The mask-wearing, overworked "Doctor" on staff admonished me to "slow down" (as if I could get any slower), and quit taking NSAIDS (like aspirin, Aleve or Ibuprofen, because for cramps and minor tears, these do more harm than good. WHO KNEW??? I have been downing these for years, and now it's all TYLENOL (like that has any pain killing ability).

So, $40.00 copay and I'm on my way...a couple of days later it was back to somewhat normal, and I'm not limping anymore. It's great keeping the foorball tradition alive! Next year, after a good warmup and complete stretch, I'll see if I can trip up my millineal nephew, and if I'm lucky, give him a concussion!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Yeah, I Know, I'm on the Obama Bandwagon

Geez, there is not much to say about the outgoing President. I tried to find something about him that I liked, but at his last press conference, I searched and came up short. The only good thing about Bush is that: He was so bad, the country actually elected an African American over his (Bushes) party, who put up a War Hero. How bad does one have to be for this to happen?

Actually, it was a perfect storm. Obama is not too young, he's a guy's guy (with the hoops and all), pretty stable and morally upright, and really intelligent. Finally, the country figured out that it is better to have a person in the White house who is smarter than you ( and I mean most of us).

While I'm not gushing, I think this is a big turning point, and my lifetime has seen some amazing things, this being one of them.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

High School Friend Has Stroke

OK, this is more than a bummer, more than just one of the insignificant indignities which cross my path each day, this gets down to bedrock.

A perfectly great human being (my age), from my high school, suffered a serious stroke this past week, and is in the process of (what appears to be) a long recovery. He is in Utah (I'm in CA), so even if I wanted to go see him, it would be pretty impossible just now. Not that his family would want me there. I have seen him twice (YES TWICE and ONLY TWICE), in the last 40 years since we graduated from high school, but I have followed his progress over time, and he has been a ridiculous success and role model.

When things like this happen, my first, instinctive reaction is "Wait a minute, he's too young", followed by the realization that he is just my age. The next reaction is rage and anger at the injustice and unfairness. Then usually I call my Doctor for a check up, and he (who is usually just a "physicians assistant", because Doctors are too busy to see me), tells me I'm fine and to get the hell out of the office. I know about what I am speaking...I lost one sister to colon cancer, another sister to Bipolar craziness, lost my Dad when he was only 64 (from a f*%$#ing stroke, by the way), and have seen my own brother in law in Kidney dialysis for years. Things like this should not happen to people my age, and if they do happen, why to someone like my friend Jay. It kind of makes one look to sky and flip the bird to a God who would let this happen. Which of course is one reason I do not subscribe to any particular religion.

So, my friends, as my other friend from Santa Rosa recently said, "

Please give your loved ones a little extra squeeze tonight."

That is what I plan to do. Jay, I love you like the brother I never had. Get well soon and get a bed that fits!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Oldies Radio and Me

I had to happen some day, but a radio station playing late 50's and 60's music is doomed today. The demographic is too narrow, and this demographic doesn't buy anything, anyhow. Besides, where's the payola opportunities for the DeeJays? Is a dead Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Mama Cass (or any other, endless group of decreased artists) gonna arise and offer some "grass" to get their old song played? My broadcast station first started to play 70's music, along with some 60's, later added early 80's and finally, in the ultimate insult, went to a "dance" format (whatever that is).

Mad, I called in, and said, " Have you changed your format?"

" Oh no, sir, we've simply freshened up our play list"

"My completely changed formats, without telling me (or people like me), and I resent it. You were the last statio left I could listen to."

Try to go to the gym these days. They are playing something overhead which combines monotonous thumping with angry sounding voices bragging about things about which I have no interest, and one cannot escape it. Driving home, I am assaulted by sub-woofers emitting x-ray powered frequencies, which can only be identified by my cars' shock absorbers vibration.

Thank God for the Web, or the Internet, or whatever it is called these days. I now listen to a station called "The Walrus" from San Diego, which is pretty acceptable. I know, deep in my heart, it too is doomed, but I can enjoyed the ride for as long as it lasts.